Integration of Solar Energy to the Philippine Warehousing Industry

Integration of Solar Energy to the Philippine Warehousing Industry


There has been a significant boom in the Philippine warehousing industry since the back end of the Pandemic. At first, the boom of online shopping boosted the need for storage spaces and quickly trickled down to other industries as soon as the country began to enter its recovery stage.

Since the country’s push to make future buildings utilize alternative sources of energy, warehouses have become some of the most prominent utilizers of solar energy as their establishments are ideal for rooftop installation.

At the same time, warehouses are some of the best establishments to make use of solar. Their large roofs have more than enough space for a PV system that can cover all its daytime electricity consumption.

With a proper and tailor-fit solar installation, any warehouse or cold storage facility should be able to fully utilize the sun to experience significant savings that can help optimize operational costs.

To be more precise, here are some of the many benefits of installing a solar PV system on the rooftop of warehouses.


Benefits of solar energy for warehouses and cold storage facilities

Reduced Operating Costs

The number one reason for getting a solar installation is to experience a reduction in electricity costs. Solar generating systems are proven to reduce a business’ electricity bill by approximately 30% to 50%. By integrating a solar installation, you also shield your business from any increase in electricity rates.

An optimal solar PV system should be able to handle all your daytime consumption, while nighttime consumption is left to the grid. This means that if majority of your operations happen during the day, then getting a solar installation will no doubt result in a large reduction in your electricity bill.

Participate in the Increase of Grid Resiliency

By generating and consuming your own electricity, you help compensate for times when traditional power suppliers experience scarcity of electricity- particularly during the summer months. In doing so, you lessen the load of the power grid, while supporting it through the excess energy that your solar system generates and exports to the grid.

Should the goal be full energy security and autonomy, it’s highly recommended to incorporate a solar battery system. By doing so, it would be possible to store excess energy generated by the PV system and use it during times when power outages occur. This is mostly advised to cold storage facilities where there is a target temperature to maintain.

Decade-long System Reliability

Solar panel systems do not have any moving parts which leaves very minimal room for wear and tear. This is further strengthened by most of the major materials having 10-to-25-year warranty periods—ensuring that in the rare event that a solar installation experiences and issue, it can be easily resolved.

Additionally, solar panel systems require very minimal maintenance—albeit once or twice per year to ensure that the solar panels can still collect sunlight at maximum efficiency and the rest of the system works normally.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Companies will always benefit from initiatives that contribute to the betterment of the environment. Integrating solar into your operations is one of the most cost-effective ways to do so—especially if you pair it with an already existing sustainability agenda.

Solar panel systems collects energy from the sun, meaning it makes use of the most abundant renewable energy resource that we have. At the same time, it also reduces your business’ reliance on fossil fuels from traditional power generating plants.

Non-electrical Structural Benefits

Aside from the energy-focused benefits provided by solar energy, installing solar panels on the rooftop can deliver two major boons:

Solar Panels help insulate buildings, particularly during the daytime. The panels themselves act as a secondary roofing which protects the inside of the building from the heat coming from the sun. additionally, it can help maintain the temperature within the warehouse.

As secondary roofing, the solar panels also serve as protection from the elements reducing the existing roofs wear and tear.


Before being able to experience all these benefits, one big hurdle needs to be passed. Solar panel systems are big investments. It requires a rather large upfront cost. In most cases, this would already deter people and businesses from purchasing in a solar installation.

Solar is an investment that pays for itself. On average, the upfront cost you pay would return to you in five (5) to six (6) years given an ideal scenario and proper sizing based on the actual consumption of your establishment.  

As such, for establishments forecasted to last decades, integrating solar energy generating systems will greatly reduce operating costs especially after the ROI is met.



Importance of Structural Integrity for Solar Installations

Warehouses are ideal for solar installation because of the massive roof space that they usually have. However, because of the large added weight of solar panels to the roof of a building, it might lead to a few concerns regarding the structural integrity of the building.

A preliminary assessment of a warehouse will focus on the roof structure and the support columns of the building. Signs of rusting, use of outdated wooden structures, or substandard designs might require the retrofitting of the roof at the least, so that it would be able to carry a solar generating system.

Most importantly, the building needs to be compliant with the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP). This means the structural integrity of the establishment passed all necessary safety standards.

Even if these signs are not visibly seen, it is advisable to contact your building’s contractor or a structural engineer to determine if your structure is capable to support the additional load of a solar panel system and its components.


In summary, warehouses and cold storage facilities are some of the best establishments to install a solar PV system due to their large roof spaces with little to no shading. By investing in solar, warehouses can experience the following benefits: Reduced operating costs, increased energy security, decade-long reliability, and as a CSR opportunity. Should you choose to get a solar installation, make sure have your building checked if it is structurally sound as the additional load of the solar panels might be a cause for concern.


For all your solar service needs, choose wisely. Choose Spectrum!

Spectrum offers tailor-fit solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential customers through an in-depth understanding of energy consumption behaviors and strategic partnerships with world-class technology partners.

Backed by Meralco’s energy expertise and proven safety track record, the renewable energy company has been providing services and solutions to help customers reduce their costs while taking part in saving the planet.

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